Women In Microbiology (ASM Books) .2018 Original PDF From Publisher

Women In Microbiology (ASM Books) .2018 Original PDF From Publisher

  • ISBN-10: 1555819532
  • ISBN-13: 978-1555819538
  • Publisher: ASM Press; 1st edition (May 22, 2018)
  • Language: English



The desire to become a scientist is shared by many girls and boys as they grow up. However, for girls, the journey to pursue their passion and gain respect has been more challenging due to societal discrimination and bias. In Women in Microbiology, we are introduced to women who have defied the odds and become scientific leaders and respected mentors. From historical figures like Alice Catherine Evans and Ruth Ella Moore to modern heroes like Michele Swanson and Katrina Forest, these women share a common passion for their work, a love for life, a dedication to mentoring others, especially younger women, and a commitment to justice and equality.

While each woman’s story is unique, they have all contributed significantly to expanding our understanding of the natural world and creating a more inclusive environment for future generations of scientists. Women in Microbiology is a captivating collection of stories that will inspire readers, particularly young women and men navigating their careers. Whether familiar or lesser-known, these stories are filled with excitement, showcasing groundbreaking scientific discoveries, tales of resilience and boundary-breaking, and valuable advice from successful professionals. They serve as a testament to the possibility of leading a fulfilling and impactful life in science.



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