Ebola: An Evolving Story .2015 PDF

Ebola: An Evolving Story .2015 PDF

  • ISBN-13: 9789814675918
  • Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company, Incorporated
  • Publication date: 10/28/2015



The book presents a scientific perspective on the unfolding of the Ebola virus disease outbreak. The author thoroughly examines the scientific basis of public health policies that have shaped the understanding of the virus and the disease, while also shedding light on the virus’s biology and exploring unanswered questions, including its modes of transmission. To support the analysis, the author includes citations from scientific literature, press sources, and expert interviews. In light of the confusion that arose after the virus reached the US, the book aims to separate fact from fiction. The author’s objective research skills and expertise in evolutionary genetics and molecular biology are utilized to uncover what was known, what questions remained unanswered, and even what questions were not asked.

Written in a manner that is easily understandable, the book targets a wide audience including the educated general public, scientists, policy makers, healthcare workers, and politicians. It delves into the challenges of comprehending a highly lethal emerging disease in 2014, a time when research funding cuts had severely impacted research institutions and public health organizations were ill-prepared. This unique narrative analysis is expected to inspire new research and provoke fresh thinking in public policy. It will provide thousands of individuals with a comprehensive understanding of the virus and its mechanisms in a language they can grasp. Additionally, it will enable others to quickly catch up with the developments surrounding the Ebola story.



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World Scientific Publishing Company







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